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An Introvert’s Guide to Dating posted 5/29/23

Have you ever felt misunderstood or overwhelmed by conventional dating advice? Are you tired of hearing about how “dating is just a numbers game”?

Much of conventional relationship advice doesn’t take introversion into account.

Introverts are people who focus inward and tend to be more in touch with their thoughts and feelings. They are best known for needing alone time to recharge their energy. Sometimes, people mistake that fact to mean introverts are shy - but that is not always the case. 

Introverts do, however, tend to prefer smaller groups of 1-3 people rather than feeling alone yet surrounded by a large group of people.

As an introvert, you are probably looking for a relationship that hits on a deeper level. Seeking that deeper connection might make dating in an era of hookup culture difficult - but that doesn’t mean dating is impossible. 

And, as an introvert, you might also dread the idea of going on a date, feeling lost by obligatory small talk.

But you can date with your own set of rules, too, and this guide will help you create them. 

How to create your own rules and date as an introvert:

1.    Know how self-aware you need your partner to be. Because introverts spend so much time thinking inward, they tend to be self-aware. What level of self-awareness are you looking for in a partner? Some people aren’t as self-reflective. Are you willing to support someone who’s willing to learn?

2.    Let the person you’re dating in, too. Do you have a harder time letting people in? Sometimes introverts give off the impression that they are not interested. People may find it difficult to get to know you. Ensure that you are sharing and opening up about yourself, too!

●    Be proud of your interest in Lord of the Rings or puppies. 
●    Share your hobbies and interests, too!
●    When your date answers a question, try to relate with them by sharing something similar about yourself too.

3.    Give yourself recharge time. Be cautious about running your batteries out of energy. Give yourself time to recharge, so you show up to your dates energized and non-resentful.
4.    Choose dates that aren’t too hectic. Choose a comfortable setting for a date. If conversation over dinner is not your idea of fun, then plan an experience or activity you can do together. Try to choose something that won’t overwhelm or overstimulate you.

5.    Go at your own pace. Try not to fall into pressure to move faster or turn dating into a numbers game. Do what works for you and what makes you comfortable! Go to places you enjoy and find ways to skip the small talk if that’s what you prefer.

6.    Treat each date as practice. Sometimes we might automatically think something is high stakes, and then feel devastated if it doesn’t work out. Instead, take on the mindset that every date is practice. Ask open ended questions and commit to learning something from each date. 

7.    If you are dating an extravert, emphasize that they may not understand at first. Your extravert date might move at a different pace or want to go out all the time. They might not understand your need to recharge alone. Commit to gently explaining your perspective and being transparent with how you are feeling and what you need. 

Dating as an introvert might just feel different overall. You might feel overwhelmed or that there is something wrong with you.

But as an introvert, you have so many superpowers! The people you date will be so lucky to be around your empathetic, understanding, and vulnerable energy. 

Stone Balancing

How to Let Go of Grudges and Be at Peace with Yourself

by Dr. Robin Gibbs 02/07/2022

At some point in your life, you might find yourself holding onto a grudge because you feel you're justified to do so. Yet, while you may be correct in a particular situation, there's absolutely no good that can come out of holding a grudge!

Allowing yourself to be consumed by bad feelings for another person is counter-productive to achieving a peaceful existence.

Instead, why not take a shot at the following life-changing exercises that can help you achieve that inner peace?

How to Let Go of Grudges

1.    Take the high road. As cliché as it may sound, taking the high road is just about the most important step you can take to allow yourself to let go of grudges. And what does taking the high road involve? Simply put, it's all about making a conscious effort to not be conquered by negative feelings.

•    Human beings are the only species capable of making choices; why not make a positive one?

2.    Assess how you're being affected. If you really think about it, in the midst of your grudge, you're likely being impacted negatively by holding on to the event which affected you. You may think you're going through the motions like you normally do, but deep inside you're probably feeling unhappy and not understanding why.

•    Know that negative actions and feelings have a domino effect, and other aspects of your life will likely be affected if you dwell on something negative for too long.

3.    Put yourself in the other person's shoes. It takes a lot of maturity to stop and consider how you would feel if you were in the other person's shoes. It's easy to say that they are at fault for being in the position they're in, but what if you end up in that same position yourself one day?

•    Even if you still disagree with what they did, seeing the situation from their perspective can help you understand why they did what they did. Truly understanding their reasons often makes it easier for you forgive.

4.    Embrace positive energy. The more positive energy you embrace, the harder it will be for you to hold on to grudges. Embracing positive energy means doing things, visiting places and hanging out with people that leave you feeling "peachy" inside. You'll find that you'll yearn for positive energy and make efforts to banish negativity.

5.    Reason with your mind and not your emotions. One key thing that's important to remember is that your mind and your feelings are completely different things! Your mind allows you to think, reason and create. Your emotions allow you to react. It's important to avoid trying to think, reason and create when engulfed in an emotional state.

If you allow yourself just a little time to work at these suggestions, you'll soon realize the positive impact they have on your life. Your state of being will automatically be adjusted for the better, and it will be easy to let go of negative feelings in exchange for a healthier, happier and more loving life.


Achieve Greater Success With a Daily Self-Motivating Regimen By DR. Robin Gibbs 08/31/2021

How much of your time do you spend seeking motivation from external factors? How often do you get it and how long does it last?

Your typical experience is probably that external motivation has an expiration date. You can look at a successful person and feel motivated by their success. But what happens when you aren't able to achieve similar success in short order?

Luckily, there are certain strategies you can apply in order to motivate yourself!

Make the following exercises a part of your daily regimen:

Love the person in the mirror. Every morning provides the opportunity for you to accept who you are! It's absolutely important to love who you are and what you've become. That's the first step in being self-motivated.

Reaffirm your true love for the person you see each and every morning.

Remind yourself that you're here for a bigger mission of which you might not yet be aware.

Restore the peace of mind that comes with self-acceptance. Doing this every day allows it to be engrained in your soul.

Accept your stage in life. Believe that you're exactly where you should be at every moment. Your ability to accept that things happen in their own time will make you comfortable with what you’ve already achieved.

Bear in mind that being comfortable where you are doesn’t mean you can't strive for greater success.

Knowing that you've done your best to get where you are is enough to keep pushing you forward.

Every few days, write a list of things you've achieved, whether big or small. Combine them at the end of the month and take an overall look at your awesomeness!

Surround yourself with positive energy. Positive energy can come from the things you choose to do. It can also come from the people you surround yourself with. When you're surrounded by positive energy, you can't help but maintain positivity!

Watch movies that empower and uplift you.
Do things with your friends that build encouragement.
Put yourself in situations where you'll come out the other end smiling.

Help others from the goodness of your heart. Avoid helping for personal gain or recognition. When you help others and see the positive impact, you naturally feel better about yourself.

One helpful act with a positive outcome is usually very inspiring. Seeing the difference you can make in others' lives proves that you're pretty awesome!

Knowing that you're important to someone else's well-being can make you feel worthwhile. It encourages you to keep helping.

Focus on smaller goals. Reaching for and missing broad, unrealistic goals can be very de-motivating. When you're unreasonable with your capabilities, you end up feeling disappointed when you miss the mark.

Why not break your major goal into smaller, tangible ones? You'll be able to focus on one part at a time, with each part being another step closer to success!

Celebrate whenever you achieve a goal – large or small. Proving to yourself that you can do it motivates you to keep going.

Approach this daily regimen in the same way a professional sports player approaches training day. What are your goals for the day? What can you achieve when you hit each target? What do you focus on when you feel like giving up?

You are your biggest supporter. In order for others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself! Tell yourself you're worth every bit of success that comes your way.

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